Green Marathon !!! Be one of us - become an ambassador for green nature.
For 50 years there has been medical clownery, but for 50 years there has been no pandemic. Actor-clowns went to hospitals to young and old, but the need is gone now. During the quarantine and forced self-isolation,
our homes and apartments have turned into wards,
our homes have become hospitals, entire countries have fallen ill and have not allowed visitors.
Green Nose Day is freedom from the quarantine, from the pandemic. It means we have become free of the disease that painted the map of the world red. So the red color of the clown's nose turned green, he has mutated.
The green nose is a symbol of nature and freedom from the restrictions of your apartment and country.
We have become closer to freedom of movement and, unlike France, we do not need to fill in electronic questionnaires that allow us to move freely. The absurdity of the first day of the quarantine is over. Yes, there will still be echoes, but this day is worth celebrating, and for each country it will be their own date.
The time of the pandemic has showed that everyone was afraid and still are afraid. And only the clown is not afraid, and the green nose of the clown is a symbol of quarantine experience. Therefore, wearing a green nose, you tell the world that you are alive. I am going through the pandemic and I AM NOT AFRAID!
Be one of us - become an ambassador for green nature. Delight yourself and your loved ones and help the volunteer clowns cheer up the victims of the pandemic.
What to do?
On the first day after lifting the state of emergency:
1. put a green nose / add a green leaf / inflate a green ball,
2. take a photo or take a funny video so that itpicture,
3. publish the picture on your profile,
appears in the
4. mark #Green_nose_day
5. and share with friends !!
Send a private message if you want to become a member of our team.